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Energieopwekking in rivieren

U bent hier: inhoudsopgave - hernieuwbare enrgie - energieopwekking in rivieren
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Het opwekken van elektriciteit door rivierkracht wordt in Nederland wel aangeduid als Witte Steenkool. In het Engels spreekt men van Run-of-River of Mini-Hydro.

Landen met veel bergen en / of rivieren kunnen hierdoor veel "herwinbare" energie produceren.

De Philippijnen (ten noorden van Indonesië), heeft op zijn ruim 7.000 eilanden veel rivieren, waarin ruim 1.000 locaties zijn geïdentificeerd waar electriciteitscentrales kunnen worden gebouwd, variërend van een capaciteit van ca. 100 KW tot 10 MW. Het land stelt zich ten doel om het vermogen aan herwinbare energie in 10 jaar te verdubbelen, van 4.500 MW tot 9.000 MW. Anno 2009 verkrijgt de Philippijnen 23% van haar electriciteit uit hernieuwbare bronnen (was in 2005 21%), zoals hydro-electriciteit, zon, wind, biomassa en aardwarmte. Lees het uitgebreide verhaal !

Lees hoe Witte Steenkool, of in het Engels "Run-of-River", werkt:

"Run-of-River": A Greener Green
(source: The Green Chip Review, March 5th 2010)

When you think of hydroelectric, the first thing that usually springs to mind is an image of the Hoover Dam.

Its soaring, concave retaining structure — wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic and taller than the Washington Monument — took the equivalent of $2.4 billion to construct. The Hoover Dam holds back America's biggest man-made reservoir, Lake Mead.

By contrast, run-of-river projects don't create massive artificial lakes, nor do they destroy fragile ecosystems.

But this system isn't entirely new, either — major examples of such projects include the 2,620 megawatt Chief Joseph Dam in Washington State, built back in 1955.

In fact, this is proven, reliable technology that has never been more efficient, more cost-effective, or more environmentally friendly than it is today.

It's a perfect fit for the BC Energy Plan, and ideally positioned to bring you fast triple-digit profit.


The basic principal behind it is simple:

run-of-river = witte steenkool

Instead of completely interrupting the flow of a river, the water is allowed to gently flow over or alongside the main stream through a diversionary channel.

This alleviates the need for large flood reservoirs, potential relocation of inhabitants, and the destruction of wildlife habitats.

Perhaps best of all, these plants can be installed almost anywhere that water runs...

In thousands of locations across North America where standard hydro-electric dams could never go.

This includes mountainsides, where runoff from melting icepacks can be turned into energy for consumers.

Not to mention profits for investors...

U bent hier: inhoudsopgave - hernieuwbare enrgie - energieopwekking in rivieren

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